Our Approach

  • Phase I: Research

    We will survey members of the community to identify needs as well as wants. We will familiarize ourselves with improvements other local parks have made and at what cost. We will seek guidance regarding “best practices” for park capital improvements as well as ongoing management and fundraising.

  • Phase II: Plan and Start Small

    We will use information gathered in Phase I to develop a multi-phase Master Plan for park improvements, which will be shared with the community. As a first step, FoSP will seek “small change” grants from Park Pride to demonstrate our ability to effectively fundraise and carry out smaller projects.

  • Phase III: Scale Up to See Change

    As we gain confidence and demonstrate credibility, we will seek to scale up our efforts, to solicit larger donations to carry out the major projects outlined in our master plan.

Get Involved

What makes a “good” neighborhood park?

What does “community” mean to you?

What role do greenspaces play in your life?